Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Writing Assignment One: The Zombies

To help inspire a friend of mine to do more writing, I assigned some homework. I highly doubt the assignment will be completed, but it was such a good starting sentence, I had to write a page of my own. All I want is one page. Mine took about two hours collectively, but I wrote some last night and finished it this afternoon. My muse works when she wants to and rarely adheres to my schedule. I struggle through some of my reality show blogs... So, without further ado - The Zombies...

In our defense, we didn’t know they were zombies until it was too late and by then, they had us surrounded. We thought their voices in the dark were honest cries for help in the beginning; lost survivors like we had once been, huddled together around small fires at night and searching for salvation by day. We figured they were so desperate for food they risked the drawing the attention of the drooling ghouls that lurked in the darkness so we sent out a search party.

I knew it was a bad idea, but no one ever listened to me. When the echo of their calls drifted into my ears I knew the tone was not to be trusted. For the first time in my life I had to crawl out of my shell and expose the real twists and turns of my crazy mind to people that I wasn’t so sure could handle the truth. They all rejected me; put me in a little place where I couldn’t be seen so I wouldn’t be constant reminder of their inevitable failure. They didn’t have to lock the door.

And you could have let me out! I begged you not to go with them, begged you to sneak swiftly through the trees and away from what I now realize was a convoluted bag of ideals and hierarchies. Why did you not choose my side? Why didn’t you believe you me? Why couldn’t you see through the veil that had been placed over your eyes by the drooling ghouls that lurked in the darkness? Why didn’t you at least kiss me one last time before walking out of the door to your ultimate doom?

They on all sides of me now, their snarling, snapping, stagnate jaws clamping ever closer to my skin. They will most certainly tear me apart. You could have saved me, we could have saved each other, we could have saved the world. I would have really liked that kiss to think about right now. Nice last thoughts to have while being devoured by the soulless mass of voiceless zombies that have me surrounded in my cell. But you were all, including you, too shaded in shadow to see the truth.

Adventure? Excitement? A Jedi craves not these things.

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